Residence permits from third countries

The various types of residence and/or work permits from third countries

All foreign citizens are required to have a residence and/or work permit in order to work in Switzerland. So what are the different types of permits for third country citizens?

The B permit

  • The B permit is a long-term contingent work permit.
  • The economic interests and qualifications of the holder must be mentioned. Indigenous and EU workers are given priority. The respect of the working conditions is required.

The permit is renewable until the consent of the authorization of establishment (booklet C) after 5 years for the United States and Canada, and 10 years for the others.

N.B. The granting of a passbook B may be subject to special conditions.

The L permit

The L permit:

  • The L permit is a short-term contingent work permit
  • The L permit is granted roughly to trainees and other foreigners on assignment. The L permit can be granted to young people aged 18 to 25 (under certain conditions)
  • The L license is renewable up to 24 months

Entry Insurance:

  • It is an insurance that has the same value as a residence permit and is sent to the employer
  • It is provided during a : Internship, mission, implementation of a computer system … It can last up to 4 consecutive months
  • It is also given during the management and development of companies when the presence of a manager is not necessary during the year. It lasts 120 days spread over 12 months.

Other types of work and residence permits and authorizations:

The G Permit

  • The G permit is a work permit for border workers
  • The holder must be a third-country national, subject to an exceptional examination. Labour market workers are given priority. The respect of the working conditions is strongly required. Changes of place, profession and canton give access to this permit.
  • The license lasts for one year and is renewable

The N permit

  • The N permit is an asylum seeker
  • Foreigners are allowed to work temporarily during the asylum procedure
  • The permit lasts until the asylum procedure is decided

The F Permit

  • The F permit is a temporary admission
  • This permit gives work authorization to certain foreigners who do not meet the conditions for asylum
  • The F permit is renewable

The Ci Permit

  • the spouse of an international civil servant, living together, also benefits from a work permit and the children can live in the family home before the age of 21. The cantonal population office inspects the permit application.
  • the duration of the permit corresponds to the duration of the duties of the holder of the legitimation card of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)

The C permit

  • the Ci permit is an authorization of establishment
  • the Cantonal Population Office is the only authority qualified to examine the permit

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